SYNOPSIS – Doctors’ Bad Habits are Executives’ Bad Habits, too – 02.03.16.

21st Century Business Ideas 

by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.®

“The problem is, most of us (doctors) are just like our patients – we often ignore good advice when it conflicts with what we’ve always done.” NY Times article by Danielle Ofri, Associate professor at NY University School of Medicine, October 2015.

Female Doctor-020116    

 For those of you who just want the headlines before diving in:


Are you as guilty as most of us in ignoring good advice, like the lady in the above writer’s doctor’s office?


Her patient was teetering toward diabetes, but Ofri noticed that her advice was ignored despite the impending dangers. This article will explain why. It’s something most executives have to wrestle with, too.  


Part of the reason doctors and executives experience this mutual issue is because they don’t devote the time to discover the nature of the person they wish to change, and they don’t know how to nudge people until that change occurs.


Executives have to discover that there are three different groupings to be recognized before attempting to overcome bad habits. Our below, very recent and  more detailed article reveals those three groupings. You need to understand them if you wish to see change in your people.


Once you understand them, then you can follow the article’s advice on how to ensure that any change endures.


Don’t forget: our next article in two-weeks will be entitled: “Opera Mystery and How Executives Miss their Organizational Opportunities?”


If you like this synopsis, let us know by requesting our one page “pictogram” of the ‘Leadership-Community Bridge.’ In a colorful but powerful way, it simply outlines the journey toward at least 20% growth in people performance through enlightened leadership within your enterprise.


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