Phase 1 – Envisioning-Decision Clarity: “Launching a Start-up Not-for-Profit”-08.27.19

by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.® ‘The primary organization differences between not-for-profit and for-profit enterprises are: the former naturally creates good will, relies on volunteers and breaks-even; while the…

Continue Reading Phase 1 – Envisioning-Decision Clarity: “Launching a Start-up Not-for-Profit”-08.27.19

Phase 5 – Orchestrating and Building Momentum: “Building Cyber-Age Production Lines is Hardly the Way to Go”-08.13.19

by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.® “The moment you walk into Menlo Innovations, you can sense the atmosphere full of energy, playfulness, enthusiasm, and maybe even…joy.” Excerpt from book,…

Continue Reading Phase 5 – Orchestrating and Building Momentum: “Building Cyber-Age Production Lines is Hardly the Way to Go”-08.13.19