Phase 2- Positioning-Pathfinding – “Shaping Your Enterprise’s Future: Involve rather than Exclude Your People?”-01.28.20

by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.®  “There go my people. I must follow them, for I am their leader.”― Mahatma Gandhi  It’s been the tradition since time immemorial that…

Continue Reading Phase 2- Positioning-Pathfinding – “Shaping Your Enterprise’s Future: Involve rather than Exclude Your People?”-01.28.20

Phase 1 – Envisioning-Decision Clarity: “Encouraging Greater Objectivity with Key Decisions”-01.14.20

by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.® ‘Mr. Schultz’s intuition has been cited in business schools as the reason Starbucks successfully entered new markets that experts said would be impenetrable.…

Continue Reading Phase 1 – Envisioning-Decision Clarity: “Encouraging Greater Objectivity with Key Decisions”-01.14.20