Phase 2- Positioning-Pathfinding – “Shaping Your Enterprise’s Future: Involve rather than Exclude Your People?”-01.28.20

by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.®  “There go my people. I must follow them, for I am their leader.”― Mahatma Gandhi  It’s been the tradition since time immemorial that…

Continue Reading Phase 2- Positioning-Pathfinding – “Shaping Your Enterprise’s Future: Involve rather than Exclude Your People?”-01.28.20

Phase 1 – Envisioning-Decision Clarity: “Encouraging Greater Objectivity with Key Decisions”-01.14.20

by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.® ‘Mr. Schultz’s intuition has been cited in business schools as the reason Starbucks successfully entered new markets that experts said would be impenetrable.…

Continue Reading Phase 1 – Envisioning-Decision Clarity: “Encouraging Greater Objectivity with Key Decisions”-01.14.20

Phase 5 – Orchestrating and Building Momentum: “Sustaining Sheltered-Enterprise Communities: until They Almost Become Extinct”-12.31.19

  by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.® “Most people give up when they’re just about to achieve success. They quit on the 1-yard line. They give up at the last…

Continue Reading Phase 5 – Orchestrating and Building Momentum: “Sustaining Sheltered-Enterprise Communities: until They Almost Become Extinct”-12.31.19

Phase 4 – Collaborating and Teamwork – “The Challenges of Building Micro-Finance, Sheltered-Enterprise Leadership Teams”-12.17.19

by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.® “Mountain tops inspire leaders but valleys mature them.” Winston Churchill There’s no doubt there will be extra challenges putting together leadership teams for…

Continue Reading Phase 4 – Collaborating and Teamwork – “The Challenges of Building Micro-Finance, Sheltered-Enterprise Leadership Teams”-12.17.19

Phase 4 – Collaborating and Teamwork – “The Challenges of Building Micro-Finance, Sheltered-Enterprise Leadership Teams”- 12.17.19

by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.® “Mountain tops inspire leaders but valleys mature them.” Winston Churchill      There’s no doubt there will be extra challenges putting together leadership…

Continue Reading Phase 4 – Collaborating and Teamwork – “The Challenges of Building Micro-Finance, Sheltered-Enterprise Leadership Teams”- 12.17.19

Phase 3- Engaging-Involving: “Expanding Micro-Finance Sheltered-Enterprises Across Entire Communities” -11.29.19

by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.® “Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders.” Tom Peters, author of ‘In search of Excellence.’ In our prior article about Micro-Finance Enterprises,…

Continue Reading Phase 3- Engaging-Involving: “Expanding Micro-Finance Sheltered-Enterprises Across Entire Communities” -11.29.19

Phase 2- Positioning-Pathfinding: “Using Micro-Financed Entities to Solve Community Issues” -11.19.19

by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.® “Do we really know the extent of human potential; even among those less fortunate than ourselves?” The Author Most of us have heard…

Continue Reading Phase 2- Positioning-Pathfinding: “Using Micro-Financed Entities to Solve Community Issues” -11.19.19

Phase 1 – Envisioning-Decision Clarity: “Turning a Command-and-Control Culture into an Enlightened Leadership One”-11.05.19

by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.® ‘Culture change is the modification of a society (or organization) through innovation, invention, discovery or contact with other societies (organizations)’ – Merriam-Webster Dictionary…

Continue Reading Phase 1 – Envisioning-Decision Clarity: “Turning a Command-and-Control Culture into an Enlightened Leadership One”-11.05.19

Phase 5 – Orchestrating and Building Momentum: “Breakthrough Teams inject Innovation and Progress”-10.22.19

 by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.® “Encouraging employers to ask questions can help spur the innovation companies crave."Article by Warren Berger: ‘The Power of “Why?” and “What if?”’ –…

Continue Reading Phase 5 – Orchestrating and Building Momentum: “Breakthrough Teams inject Innovation and Progress”-10.22.19