by Peter A. Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc.®
“Only ongoing cycles of Strategic and Operational activities will build the right outcome – an enhanced breed of more effective World Leaders.”
Once any World Leadership Crisis (WLC) team has completed its first kick-off cycle, Phases 1A-5A, it will seamlessly head straight into their venture’s second cycle Phases 1B-5B, as depicted in PG-1AB. Of course it will only get this far when we have secured that initial pivotal Strategist-Catalyst-cum-Visionist at the outset. That person would then build a competent, volunteer Strategist Team around him/her to help position, engage, collaborate and orchestrate their way through their initial set-up round.
We can recall the prior Phase 5A, CYCLE 1, where our proposed team formulated a Strategic Framework. It consists of a compelling Vision- Purpose, pinpoints key Knowledge requirements, determines vital Resources needed, and clarifies all its desired Outcomes. These outcome items are typically team, collaborator and beneficiary aspirations, as well as investor interests in the “numbers.” Again, the numbers are just the monitoring outcome and not the be-all-and-end-all in themselves. They are a catalytic barometer for action, rather than perceived as the holy grail of success. The holy grail comes in the form of having the right fundamentals in place that can facilitate a highly desirable outcome.
Since any six Strategists are formed into three pairings to build intended momentum from 5A, they are now positioned to contemplate their next moves starting with Phase 1B. 1B activities are likely to occur around fundraising, initial public presentation forums, and the assembly of recruitment teams to find faculty and leadership-students. Since such activities would likely be apportioned among them, they would probably formulate and work through the related four phases for each initiative:
» Phase 2B – Position and pathfind each initiative for early success.
» Phase 3B – Engage and involve all those required to fulfill such initiatives.
» Phase 4B – Collaborate and teamwork with key groups to gain their active support.
» Phase 5B – Orchestrate and build momentum within each initiative to attain a positive outcome.
Once this is all underway, they would then move onto to CYCLE 3, Phases 1C-5C, as their fundraising efforts, presentation forums and recruitment teams begin to fall into place. Any intended World and National Government Academies would assemble their own leadership teams, who would in turn establish physical infrastructure to house their academies, faculty and leadership students. And so the entire venture pursues ongoing cycles to enable more enhanced world and national leadership representation across the board.
Let the renewal and enhancement of World Leadership begin!